Gaist Crusher 37-51: God Arc [END]

At last, the entire Gaist Crusher anime is complete! I’ll admit this took much longer than I had hoped for. There were a lot of delays for a lot of different reasons (mostly “pandemic” and “other projects”).

This is actually the first ever 4-cour series I’ve subbed in its entirety! I don’t really have the patience to stick to one thing for so long. And it was so much work, even for something I enjoyed, that I never want to do anything like this ever again (definitely not solo, at least). It does say a lot about Gaist Crusher’s quality that I was essentially able to watch it three times over and appreciate new details each time. That being said, the God arc gets somewhat drawn out and formulaic — though 45-47 are probably my favorite episodes of the entire series.

Gaist Crusher is primarily written by the team of Nishizono Satoru and Akahoshi Masanao. From my experience, these two tend to write very tight, dramatic series where each episode gradually moves along the plot. Unfortunately, this show is somewhat bereft of that juicy interpersonal drama, but it does have all those other hallmarks. Incidentally, I’m writing this blurb while finishing a rewatch of Duel Masters Charge, which is scripted by the same team and is heartbreaking despite appearances. And I’m already going for a third watch. I might be obsessed. But anyway, if you want to see more from these writers in a subbed format, check out our friends at BuddyTrans!

There are some game scene translations that will be released shortly in text form. I’ve compiled a selection that includes some nice extra character details and resolutions. Unfortunately, due to lack of recordings, not all the scenes will be immediately available. Check out this youtube channel if you’d like to see more from the game though (it may not be subbed, but it IS fully voiced!).

To save space, the ddl is just the subtitle files. Pull up a video from the [YES] batch, drag and drop the corresponding .ass file in, and voila.

DDL here (same folder as previous).
Torrent with muxed files here.
Check the updated episode list for content warnings and translation notes.

Special thanks to:
[YES], for providing raws.
Ami @ pocketslink for timing some episodes.

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