[NazoOtona] Battle Spirits Double Drive 27, 26, 10, 49, 50, 45, 02

“Why did you list them in that order?”
Because it’s the order I subbed them in. I insist upon being facetious to the end.

That’s right! With this release, I’m dropping Double Drive for the second and last time. This project has been on the backburner for a grueling eight years. I don’t have the motivation for the rest of the episodes simply because they’re the ones that feature my least favorite characters, and I just want to move on to other things. With that said, it’s gonna haunt me forever to not have complete subs. There are 10 remaining ENG-unsubbed episodes. Anyone who wants to pick up the remainder can contact me for resources.

To save space, this torrent is just the subtitle files. Pull up a video from the [USP][KPMP] batch, drag and drop the corresponding .ass file in, and voila. Torrent here. You can find a ddl of all available sub files here.

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